Project Roadmap
0.2.x Alpha
Helmet (disabled by default)
CORS (enabled, including WebSocket)
Serve Static (disabled)
Body Parser (enabled)
Logging (enabled, including WebSocket)
Error Handler (enabled, including WebSocket)
[X] Context Factory
ID (enabled; request id generation)
User Agent (enabled)
Cookie Parser (enabled)
Locale (enabled)
Auth (enabled; Bearer/OAuth, Basic, Digest, AWS, RFC7235)
Schema Registry plugins
WebSocket protocol plugin
Streaming support for GraphQL/REST plugin multipart/form-data request
Streaming support for REST plugin response
Bidirectional streaming support for WebSocket plugin
0.3.x Beta
Integration example with
(OIDC provider)Schema Registry plugins
Filter access control policy plugin
Scope access control policy plugin
Cache policy result in request context
Gateway schema presets
Service Catalog endpoints in REST
Empty scheme placeholder in GraphQL
[] Normalized errors
[] 1.0.x First Stable release
API Server additional protocols
[] Integration example with
[] Unit tests coverage over 90%
[] Memory leak test
[] Stress test and performance profiling
[] Update documents and translate to English
Last updated
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